There is no greater compliment than a satisfied home seller, positive review, and referrals from friends and family. Reviews are huge these days. We hardly go out to eat, buy furniture, or seek out home improvement assistance without searching for reviews first. They are essential to feeling like we’re going to be pleased. We don’t usually search for something online without checking for reviews first. We think, if someone else had good results, I might too. Review sites are all over the internet such as Yelp, Home Advisor, Angie’s List, and Google and Zillow. Reviews are unbiased, neutral, and if there’s a bad one out there, we can’t just delete it, so we tend to trust the advice and recommendation of others.
I recently sold a house for this seller, which I priced correctly from the beginning, which sometimes means listing it a bit lower than market value to create the buzz. That’s exactly what happened. Within days we had four offers, some over asking price. From here, I lay out exactly what each offer presented and we discussed pros and cons to each. Besides price, we look closely at the details, including but not limited to the type of mortgage and strength of the pre-approval, contingencies, time frames and time frames. It’s important to fully understand all the details so you can make an informed decision. Often, the terms are as or more important than the price, so it’s imperative to discuss all factors.
“During our initial meeting, Bruce Simon gave very helpful information and explained his process in a way that definitely showed his expertise in real estate and in the West Bloomfield area. Bruce helped me determine what updates and repairs should be done prior to putting my house on the market, and supplied me with contacts to take care of the work. We obtained four offers within days of listing! Bruce used his negotiating skills to my advantage as he created an auction effect which landed a sales price over what we were asking. Very attentive to detail and easy to work with, Bruce never left any questions unanswered and always responded promptly. I will certainly be referring my family and friends to Bruce!”
In the end, my client got exactly what he needed and even more! This is the result that I am looking for – a satisfied customer, friend, and repeat client in the future. There is no greater compliment to me than a referral, testimonial, and a repeat client.
For expert real estate care in West Bloomfield, Farmington Hills, and the surrounding areas, call me today. Whether you are buying or selling, let me guide you to the right results for your needs.